Industries Key Vigilant systems are very easy to implement and adapt to different sectors, be they SMEs or large companies. The experience of your commercial and technical teams will be able to advise you on the best solution for your company. Trust Key Vigilant as thousands of users around the world have done over the past 15 years. The Key Vigilant system is recommended for:

Car dealers and garages
Key Vigilant is the leading provider of management and control systems for the automotive industry for more than 15 years, including workshops, dealerships and private rental companies.

Fleet of vehicles / Transportation companies
Keep your vehicle fleet organized and running smoothly by securing and monitoring your keys and equipment while keeping them easily accessible.

Police / Firemen / Security forces
Ensuring that weapons, vehicle keys and other equipment are handled safely and effectively is vital. Key Vigilant provides a range of solutions to manage valuable equipment and vehicle keys.

Health and Emergencies
Hospitals, Clinics, Health centers. The administration of keys and equipment is vital in the areas of health and emergencies, to guarantee the immediate availability of ambulances and emergency vehicles and access to restricted sectors.

Public services
Key Vigilant products can be used to control and secure the keys to buildings, restricted areas, tools and expensive equipment.

Airports - Exhibition and Convention Centers
The airports and exhibition centers handle large numbers of visitors daily, which requires extensive management processes that are greatly facilitated with Key Vigilant systems.

Real Estate - Corporate Office Buildings
Key Vigilant provides management, control and key management solutions for the entire real estate and corporate office sector, handling all scales, large, medium and small.

Key Vigilant products can be used to control and secure deposit keys, offices, restricted areas, machines, tools and expensive equipment.

Universities and Schools
Key Vigilant solutions provide a fully detailed auditable system so you know exactly who has what equipment or key, when it was taken and when it was returned.

Hotels - Casinos - Theme parks
Efficient key management is a crucial part of providing good services in the leisure and tourism sector.

Sports facilities - Clubs - Gyms
The clubs and places of recreation manage large amounts of visitors daily, and control access to different spaces and areas.

Shoppings - Malls
Supermarkets, shopping malls, wholesale and retail centers and businesses can benefit from Key Vigilant products by securely managing keys and valuable equipment within stores, warehouses and warehouses.